Protocol Guidelines
BOSTON GLOBAL EMS develop EMS Protocol Guidelines were developed for EMS and Preparedness by a panel of physicians, EMS medical directors, pediatric emergency medicine specialists, paramedics, and EMTs in order to provide EMS agencies with a set of up-to-date treatment guidelines and standing orders. These guidelines were developed utilizing current best medical evidence and the expert consensus of the development panel.
They incorporated information from the National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines (, feedback from the State EMS Committee, the Trauma Systems Advisory Committee, and multiple EMS medical directors and EMS providers from around the state.
The use of these guidelines by individual EMS agencies is voluntary, but encouraged. Agencies may adopt them fully as written or may use them as a reference to develop their own protocols and standing orders. As more agencies throughout the state adopt similar guidelines, EMS care statewide will become more uniform, allowing for simplified on-line medical direction by receiving hospitals, simplified mutual aid between agencies and, ultimately, improved patient care.
These guidelines will be updated regularly to remain current and to reflect the most current EMS research. Your input is welcome and encouraged